AOOA 2021 AGM Report

The AOOA held its AGM by ZOOM on Saturday 13th March, 2021, with a very pleasing turn-out of nearly 20 members. Thank you everyone for your support.

We were delighted to receive as our Guest of Honour the Director-General of the Zambia CAA, Mr Gabriel Lesa, who responded to the AOOA President's AGM Report with an excellent Director-General's Speech outlining some historical perspectives and addressing the Authority's achievements, challenges and expectations for the coming years.

The AGM elected a new AOOA Executive Committee with a mixture of old and new members giving us a dynamic team once again for the year ahead.

One of our principle aims is to increase our membership base in 2021.

We look forward to working with you all.

With good wishes.
The AOOA Secretariat
18th March, 2021.


Aviation Sector Support Programme II for Zambia ASSP II-Z Gender Equality in Aviation Workshop Online, 25 March 2021


Notice of 2021 AGM