Notice of 2021 AGM

11th January, 2021

Re : AOOA AGM 2021

Dear AOOA membership, supporters and partners

I am circulating the following notice of the AOOA’s AGM to be held on Saturday, 13th March, 2021:

The AOOA’s Executive Committee & Secretariat hereby give notice of our forthcoming

AGM to be held in Lusaka on Saturday, 13th March, 2021, 10h30, meeting venue or ZOOM

platform to be advised on AOOA social media nearer the time, as will any changes to this

notice that may be necessary due to prevailing COVID-19 restrictions.

We are calling for nominations for the following Executive Committee Members’ posts :

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Member – Events & Fund-Raising

  • Member – Commercial Aviation Representative

  • Member – Private Aviation Representative

  • Member – Aviation Training Representative

  • Co-Opted Members – maximum of 2 as required

We are thus looking for nominations for an Executive Committee of 8, with provision for up to 2

additional Co-opted members if required. Please let the AOOA Secretariat have your nominations as

soon as possible, and preferably before Friday, 5th March, 2021.


Richard Jeffery/AOOA President
AOOA Executive Committee.


AOOA 2021 AGM Report


Welcome to 2021!