Covid-19 Aviation Update

As of 08th June 2020 WHO has reported a global total of  

  • Confirmed cases - 6,912,751

  • New cases - 136,409

  • Deaths -  400,469

Zambia has of 08th June 2020 as reported through the MOH

  • Confirmed cases- 1200

  • New Cases – 111

  • Recoveries - 988

  • Deaths- 10

With the world having  to open up to get economies moving again despite the COVID-19 virus very much among us, with no cure in sight yet it is ever more important to follow the guidelines of authorities to help reduce infection and keep the more vulnerable among us protected.

  • When in public wear a mask covering your nose and mouth

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or sanitize with alcohol based sanitizers where not possible to wash hands

  • Observe social distancing of at least a meter between yourself and others

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Compiled and provided for AOOA by Louisa Chanda


Message from the President of AOOA


Postponed: Kumbululuka kwa Bafana - The Children’s Flight Zambia