Obituary - Mr Anthony Katongo Musaluke

We received the sad news of Mr Anthony Musaluke, who some of us will be aware was the inspiration behind the development and construction of a Boeing 737 simulator at his house in Lusaka, passing on.

Mr Musaluke was a member of the AOOA and went by the name of PengusOne PengusOne on Facebook. As an electrical engineer and software specialist, he had invested a great deal of his time and resources into development of a fully functional Boeing 737 simulator (, and was in the process of updating some of it's airways databases.

We extend our sympathies and condolences to his family, friends and colleagues, and trust that his remarkable technical achievement will remain functional as a legacy of his contribution to Zambian aviation. MHSRIP. 

Richard Jeffery
AOOA President


AOOA Membership Newsletter Brief August 2021


Obituaries for Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and Mr. James Zulu