AOOA Aviation Safety Forum: AWOPs


Presented by Richard Jeffery, September, 2022
Re: All-Weather, IMC/ IFR Instrument Flight Operations (AWOPs)

Introduction & Overview

Motivation for preparing this aviation safety forum paper concerning All-Weather, IMC/IFR Instrument Flight Operations (AWOPs) is prompted by signs of possible early rains, with recent instances of IMC/IFR weather including extremely hazy conditions (at best Special VFR and more like IFR conditions).

IFR training and flight operations have changed dramatically in recent years due to the advent of advanced GPS navigation systems, although fundamental principles remain much the same.

This paper puts together some areas of concern, in particular the appropriate use of IFR approved GPS avionics systems for RNAV (GNSS) Area Navigation and SIDs, STARs and Instrument Approaches by private and commercial general aviation aircraft owners and operators, a subject in Zambia about which we are perhaps somewhat lagging behind other aviation centres around the world.

Intended as an “open” discussion-based safety forum always looking to improve aviation, the AOOA welcomes constructive feedback so that we can update this presentation accordingly. Please do send us your comments, corrections, queries and suggestions as appropriate.


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